About Us

Established in 2023, 3D Orthotics was born out of a rich history of serving both VA & DOD Hospitals around the country, as well as private sector hospitals, as a durable medical equipment distributor (DME).  In addition to DME, our team brings more than 50 years of hands-on experience in med-device sales of all manner of surgical implants and hardware, regenerative products and biologics, as well as a robust line of single-use surgical instruments that are being utilized at VA hospitals nationwide.  This unique journey that our team has been on, has now uncovered a large unmet need in the world of orthotics. 

Orthotics have long been a challenge for small companies to offer, and an even bigger challenge for the Podiatry field to deal with.  And hard as it may be to accept, the standard of care for creation of orthotics across the industry is still that messy, time-consuming, process you learned in Podiatry school – Cast Molding.  And as we all have experienced first-hand, cast molding, while accurate, is undeniably cumbersome.

Cast Molding is a logistical nightmare, and its messy and time consuming.  But for decades this inconvenient, messy, and time-consuming process has been the best and basically the only option for specialized orthotics.  There really hasn’t been a better process for making a reliable, accurate, and talar-neutral orthotic. And while digital orthotic scanning has brought significant advancements to the space, the advent of EMR and the mandate for increased HIPAA compliance have made digital scanning for orthotics in the VA & DOD hospitals especially problematic.

3D Orthotics has identified and recognized this need for a more efficient approach, and we believe we’ve developed one that addresses each of these challenges, and more closely aligns with the federal government’s strict desire for adherence to HIPAA regulations.

As we began marketing these innovative solutions and promoting our digital scanning options, we quickly discovered that federal Podiatrists were embracing this technology with enthusiasm.  The Federal healthcare marketplace, and VA hospitals in particular, seemed to crave digital scanning and the solutions it offered to their existing cast-molding problems.   They were seeing that scanning not only saved time and trouble, but also streamlined the orthotic creation process, providing much-needed efficiencies and benefits.  However, we soon encountered a roadblock.  We were quickly reminded of the government’s hesitation to allow any digital transmission of their patient’s Protected Healthcare Information (PHI), due to HIPAA regulations. This seemingly insurmountable obstacle had stifled what seemed to be a promising solution to an existing and ongoing need inside the federal healthcare system.  We had run aground.

Months of frustration and relentless obsessing over the problem ultimately led us to an epiphany.  We knew we had uncovered a need that existed in the Federal system, and we felt that we had a fantastic solution to it.  But we were realizing that the real issue ran much deeper than just cast molding vs. digital scanning.  In an EMR world, how do you implement 21st Century patient scanning technology and methodologies into a federal healthcare system that is just now catching up to the private sector.  After all, the private sector has been utilizing digitally scanned orthotics for years now without HIPAA concerns related to electronic transmission.  How much longer was the federal healthcare system going to suffer without access to this game-changing technology? We began to realize that we needed to approach the problem from a different angle, from the HIPAA angle.  We had established that the federal system wanted and even needed, a robust digital scanning program for orthotics. 

We now needed to focus on building the program in a way that protected patient information in a radically new way. This epiphany paved the way for the creation of AccuScan DP