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AccuScan DP is a proprietary system designed to fully ‘de-identify’ a VA patient, allowing for electronic transmission of only their digital foot scan without any PHI, and without any HIPAA concerns.  It was specifically designed to address HIPAA compliance within the VA system, and to finally give federal hospitals access to game-changing digitally scanned orthotic technology.

This innovative and proprietary process is now accessible to both VA & DOD Podiatry providers nationwide, and is ready to serve and support the brave men and women who have sacrificed so much to protect our great nation.  Our mission is to provide innovative solutions that not only ease the burden on our country’s finest healthcare providers and patients, but also to enhance the quality of products and healthcare offered to our country’s proud veterans and service members.

Benefits of Digital Scanning

  • Precision: Digital Scanning offers high precision, capturing detailed foot morphology and biomechanics, resulting in the most accurate orthotic designs.
  • Efficiency: The scanning process is quicker and less invasive compared to traditional casting methods, reducing discomfort for patients and increasing the productivity of others.
  • Digital Data: Digital scans are easily archived, replicated, and shared for collaboration or future orders – No cast molds or impressions to be damaged during shipping to and from the lab.
  • Patient Experience: Offers a more comfortable and modern experience, especially for individuals who may have sensitivities or physical limitations.
  • No Mess: Digital scans eliminate the need for messy and time consuming cast mold process.
  • Reduced Patient Traffic: Our country’s VA medical centers are overwhelmed. Digital scanning with AccuScan DP is fast, easy, secure, and it allows VA providers to address their patient’s orthotic-related needs while they have them in their exam chair. This can eliminate the need for return trips to the VA and help to ease the burden on our VA hospitals and providers.
  • Time Savings: On average, it takes 20-30 minutes to complete a cast mold impression, including prep and application, time for the impression to set-up, and of course that messy cleanup. Then you typically wait another 24 hours for the cast mold to fully cure and be safe for shipment to the lab.
  • Longevity: Cast molds are fragile and cumbersome. They can be lost in the mail, crushed, or inadvertently thrown out. Our veterans are allowed 2 pairs of orthotics per/year, and digital scanning offers a continuity of care for future orthotic builds that cast mold impressions simply cannot match. 

What will you do with the 30 minutes of clinic time you get back every time you scan, instead of cast mold?