1. How do you ensure the privacy and security of patient data for veteran hospitals?

  • The HIPPAA compliant software we use is designed to protect the privacy and security of veterans’ personal and medical information. It de-identifies patient data by removing all identifying information such as names, addresses, and Social Security numbers. This ensures that our patients’ privacy is maintained while allowing us to create orthotics.

2. Do you offer on-site support or training for podiatrists and staff in veteran hospitals?

  • Yes, we understand the importance of proper fitting and usage of our orthotics. We can provide on-site training and support to help podiatrists and staff in veteran hospitals become familiar with our products, ensuring optimal results for patients.
3. What differentiates your AccuScan DP for veteran hospitals from other providers?
  • Our commitment to serving the unique orthotic needs of veterans, our emphasis on collaboration with podiatrists, and our strict adherence to HIPAA compliance set us apart. We aim to provide the best possible orthotic solutions for veterans, ensuring their comfort and well-being.
4. How can veteran hospitals purchase your AccuScan DP services for their patients?
  • Veteran hospitals interested in purchasing our 3D Orthotic services can contact our dedicated sales team by:
  • Phone: (844)-FOOT-911
  • Email: sales@3Dorthotics.com
  • We will work with you to create a personal plan that meets the specific needs of your hospital and the veterans you serve.

If you have further questions or require more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for considering our 3D Orthotics services for veterans.